Spirit Combat is a British martial art founded by Brian Dosset in 1958. Borrowing from many martial arts (predominantly aikido, jujutsu and boxing), it is taught with a different flavour at each club to young and old alike. Spirit Combat is now practised internationally, with clubs in India, Malta, Russia, South Africa, New Zealand and many other countries.
Spirit Combat Jujitsu is a modern art, developed by Soke Brian Dossett. He took parts of other martial arts, Judo, Aikido, Karate and Boxing and put them together to form a modern style of Jujitsu.
Spirit Combat Ju Jitsu: Ju-jitsu is a practical self-defence system developed by the Japanese Samurai warriors centuries ago for use in battle. Should they find themselves without their steely weapons they would fall back on their fighting skills in un-armed combat – hence the term “ju-jitsu”, meaning “supple way”.
Thousands of clubs across the world now enjoy training in the many different styles of Ju-jitsu as well as other styles which have developed from it, such as Karate, Judo and Aikido.
SCI has developed a new, modern style of Ju-jitsu training. It offers children, teenagers and adults the opportunity to practice the ancient forms of Ju-jitsu in a modern format.
Training still includes the basic skills of blocking, striking, escaping, throwing, falling and grabbing. Students learn in a one to one ‘opponent’ format – in the higher grades multiple attackers are introduced. This modern approach to martial arts allows Spirit Combat Ju-jitsu to use English language instead of Japanese, to pay attention to the individual abilities and potential of each student and to include an awareness of the most up-to-date sports science and safe training principles. We encourage the participation of the whole family. Spirit Combat has a unique syllabus for children up to the age of fourteen, which pays special attention to the needs and limitations of the physical and emotional well-being of young people. The children’s syllabus ensures healthy, safe and disciplined practice in a controlled and fun atmosphere. Spirit Combat Ju-jitsu is a synthesis of many different martial arts styles. The originator and Grandmaster, Brian Dossett has learned many martial ways on his travels and has brought what he feels is the best of all of them together in a modern martial system. Based on Ju-jitsu it also incorporates ideas from Karate, Kung-fu, Aikido and Western boxing into separate syllabuses for adults and juniors.
Spirit Combat is a term which signifies the idea that the body and the spirit are in constant combat. To bring harmony to this situation: train the body to be accustomed to hard work and train the spirit to respect and accept the limitations of every day life. The methods taught in Spirit Combat strive to achieve this harmony in the experience of each student, in an atmosphere of disciplined enjoyment at whatever level or style of training.
Spirit Combat holds true to the principle of tradition in the martial arts – passing on what is useful to the next generation of students – without becoming a slave to any one particular school of thought or practice. In this way it is able to fuse tradition with the needs and new developments of our modern world. Hence our logo represents the synthesis of the two aspects of the world – spirit and matter – and our maxim speaks to the right of freedom in thought and action:
Adult Syllabus: The Ju-jitsu syllabus for adults consists of ten exercises, (techniques,) practised from eight different attack postures. Thus there are eight forms increasing with skill level and difficulty from red to black belt status, but based on the same ten exercises. As the student progresses these exercises do become techniques and higher grades also begin to learn defence from random attacks and more sophisticated techniques not specifically in the form syllabus. This makes it a freestyle.
As the student becomes more adept in basic posture, attack and defence methods so his ability to effectively apply the techniques learned also increases and the student becomes more skilful and practised in the art of self defence. Students learn how to fall without injury from many different types of take-down and throw. They learn how to apply take-downs and throws.
They learn how to block strikes, and how to deliver them, from hands, elbows, knees and feet as well as the application of pressure to certain weak points on the body. They learn how to lock partners limbs and how to immobilise the body on the ground. At the higher end of the grade scale students can learn the responsible use of wooden and metallic weapons Attention is paid to proper warm-up and cool down procedures during junior and adult training sessions as well as to the individual capacity of each student. Learning about the movement of ones own and ones opponents energy is part of the black belt training system and leads into training influenced by Soke’s experiences.
Students are graded according to their own development in a program designed to balance achievement with challenge. If students show promise in their teaching skills the opportunities are there for them to become qualified instructors if they wish.
Combat Ju-jitsu/Sport also available through the association, though not necessarily at each registered club This is a way of testing the form work achieved by students in a competition setting, where they and their opponents are attempting to avoid being struck, locked or thrown, while attempting to break the defensive capabilities of the opponent.
Have a look how our instructors has acheived their belts...!
Master Mario Saliba is a black belt 6th Dan in Spirit Combat and black belt 5th Dan in Kick Boxing. Master Mario has been training martial arts since the age of 18. He won several competitions locally and abroad
Sensei Gordon Formosa has started training Spirit Combat at the Gozo Club since the age of 10.
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