Dear students, hope that you and your families are fine! The holidays are nearly over and I imagine that you enjoyed them and you are now looking forward to start the new training season. Classes are going to commence as from Thursday 3rd October 2019. As per previous years, sessions are going to be more group based according to age and grade and attention is going to be more focused on the particular group technical and physical requirements. The training time-table is as follows:
- Mondays 05.00pm – 06.30pm Spirit Combat Juniors / Seniors p>
- Thursdays 05.00pm – 06.30pm Spirit Combat Juniors / Seniop>
All classes will be held at the lower area of the Gozo Sports Complex as usual. As per last terms, the basic fee is €30 per quarter. Particular attention should be given to timely payment of fees. The club will be needing your support for the activities which are held from time to time, the first one being an international seminar in the first week of November in Gozo! We are once again getting over Spirit Combat International founder, Grand Master Brian M Dossett plus his son Steve Dossett who is a MMA fighter accompanied by a boxing champ. Be there – for more info visit our club facebook page in the coming days. Regular attendance is very important. Please bear in mind that if you do not attend classes regularly you cannot go in for the gradings and competitions where applicable. Hopefully, this season the Demo Team will once again be in action.
See you soon!
Master Mario